Here’s how I make my own I Heart Recipes corn pudding recipe. You’ll be good as gold if you follow the recipe card instructions below and watch my corn pudding video tutorial on YouTube! But, I will say there’s a little magic in the order you mix the ingredients. Southern corn pudding casserole is almost as simple as mix, bake, done.
Be sure to spray either dish or pan with cooking spray before you pour in the creamed corn casserole, though! How to Make Corn Pudding Casserole with Jiffy Mix You can bake this casserole in a cast iron pan or a casserole dish. So, I decided to take Denise’s suggestion and make the dang corn pudding recipe, AKA that “corn stuff” for y’all! What Is Corn Pudding? My butt had been calling it “that corn stuff” for years! It turns out I HAVE HAD IT but had NO idea it was called corn pudding. So, naturally, I called my older Cousin TJ and asked if he knew of such a recipe and if I’d ever had it (would it surprise y’all to know I have a habit of making up names for stuff?!). I didn’t know what the heck she was talking about, but the way she described this recipe–it made my freakin’ mouth water. Then, during a conversation with a friend (shout out to Denise from Be My Guest with Denise-go visit her and tell her Rosie sent ya!), she suggested I make a corn pudding recipe video. I kept thinking I was forgetting something, overlooking one recipe… but I wasn’t sure which one. Well, one year, I was finishing up all of my Christmas recipe videos. As many of you may know, I record recipe video tutorials for my YouTube channel about a month or so in advance.